always get cavities. Help?

Gregg Davis

My entire life I've had bad teeth. Every time I go to the dentist, I will have atleast 2 cavities, several teeth on watch. However, I use mouthwash and floss most days, and brush my teeth every morning and night. Is it my toothpaste? My mouthwash? Am I not brushing properly? Can someone please advise me on how to improve my teeth health. I'm tired of constantly having cavities, but I dont know what else to do to improve it.

Answers ( 1 )

  1. D. Powells

    Are you eating a lot of sugar? Your diet is really all I can think of because your dental hygiene routine seems flawless. I believe there are toothpastes out there designed for cavity prevention so I would recommend switching to that. I hope it works because cavities aren’t any fun!