With summertime comes more time spent outdoors and as a result, increased sun expose. Many people are aware of the many dangers that the sun presents. From premature signs of aging to dehydration, it can pose a variety of different threats to your skin. However, savvy men and women can take action to protect their skin and avoid many of these complications. By following a well balanced skincare regimen, anyone can achieve healthy, hydrated and supple skin throughout the hot summer months while reducing their risk of permanent sun damage. A typical skincare routine consists of three core parts-- a daily cleanser, toner and moisturizer. This three step process can be repeated at night time as well, although additional products may be integrated if desired. The key to successful skin care is consistency. This means that the routine should be followed every day in order to provide adequate protection and noticeable improvements in the skin's texture and tone.

Types of Skin Care Products

Cleanser: Cleansers, also referred to as face wash or facial cleansers, is a product that removes dirt,debris and oil from the top layer of the skin. Some cleansers have the ability to dig deep down into pores and eliminate built up oils and debris. These typically contain salicylic acid, tea tree oil or other forms of acne fighting ingredients. For individuals with sensitive or dry skin, a gentle daily cleanser may be more effective. These types of cleansers do not have a drying effect on the skin and will not cause irritation. Most dermatologists recommend washing the face in the morning and night with lukewarm water.

Toner: Toner is used as a second step in most skincare regimens and is applied right after cleansing the face. Toners are lightweight and have a water like consistency, so it is best to apply them with a cotton ball or facial towel. These products are used to calm any irritation or redness on the skin, even out the tone and can also help to clear breakouts. Many people forget to apply toner, but it serves a valuable purpose in any summer time skincare regimen. It is capable of preventing rough texture that can happen as a result of sun exposure and uneven patches of skin.

SPF moisturizer: A facial moisturizer with a high SPF rating of 30 or more is ideal for both men and women, especially in the summertime. SPF acts as a barrier on the skin and can protect it from the harmful rays of the sun. As a result, users are less likely to develop permanent skin damage and sunburns. It is important to keep in mind that SPF moisturizers may need to be reapplied once every few hours for optimal protection. Always refer to package instructions to learn the exact time frame.

Night Creams: Many people use night creams as the final step in their evening skincare routine. These products are typically geared towards aging skin and are rich in collagen and hyaluronic acid. A lightweight formula is best for use in the hot summer months. Using a quality cream can provide deep hydration overnight resulting in softer and more youthful looking skin in the morning. These products are great at fighting the drying effects of the sun and can even prevent the development of fine lines.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:What Are the Benefits of All Natural Skincare Products?

A: Many people are reaching for all natural, organic and vegan skincare products because they do not contain harsh ingredients or chemicals. They are especially useful for people with sensitive skin and dry skin.

Q:Should a Skincare Routine be Changed Often?

A:Some people change the products that they use in their skincare routine once every few weeks to months out of fear of developing a tolerance to the products. However, most people do not need to do this for at least six to a year. If a product is effective, individuals may continue to use it until they feel it is no longer providing the same results.

Q:Is It Normal to Experience Dry Skin After Cleansing?

A:Some people experience dry or tight skin after washing their face. While this is a normal effect, it may be a sign of a potential reaction, irritation or signal to the users that the product is simply too harsh for their skin type. If this is the case, a more gentle cleanser should be used instead.

Q:Should Moisturizer Feel Greasy?

A:Some moisturizers are designed specifically for dry skin or contain heavy ingredients that leave a greasy feeling on the skin. In some cases, this can lead to breakouts, especially in oily skin types. If this is the case, try a lightweight moisturizer, especially in the summer months when the skin is most sensitive to products.

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