Community Questions - Healthy Lifestyle

ways to wake up fast?

I will naturally wake up when the sun rises, so at this time of year that's around 7 am, but I never get out of bed at that time. I'm usually so exhausted and I just lie there for a few hours before getting the energy to get up. I want to be able to get up and start being productive, but I can never seem to find the motivation. I dont drink coffee, its too bitter for me, but is there any trick to getting up out of bed as soon as you wake up?

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Is wine good for your heart?

I have been a frequent wine drinker ever since my mid-twenties, no more than two glasses a week. I have always liked to believe that red wine is good for your heart as some people say, but I'm really not sure. However, recently, my father had a severe heart attack, and now I'm worried about the heart health in my family. I'm afraid I might be at risk of a bad heart as well. Is red wine a day good for your heart? is it enough to reduce my chances of heart disease in the future?

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bad to eat expired guacomole?

So the other day I had a group of friends over for dinner, and I prepared a guacamole based dip as an appetizer for all of us while we chatted. But once dinner began, the guacomole got left out while we eat. After that it had gotten so late that I'd completely forgotten about the left over guacomole sitting out, and I just went to bed. The guacomole was also just about to reach it's expiry, which is why I was using it up, but my child apparently got up before me and ate it in the morning. I'm afraid that he could get sick from it. How bad is it to eat guacomole left out? Should I take him to the doctor?

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