Trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle is important among many of us. Although it can certainly be a challenge, understanding what quality foods we should consume for optimal well-being is possible. In modern times, the American diet has become more convenience based. Highly processed foods at the grocery store and literally hundreds of fast food chains at our disposal have been a detriment to our health. In a battle for our own livelihood, we must fuel our bodies with the correct foods to be well and have a healthier life. If you have no idea where to start, you are not alone. Much of the reason for being unhealthy is simply being uninformed. Whether we eat certain food harmful to us out of habit or we eat it because it tastes good to us, it can be difficult to turn a new leaf and try something new. Healthy foods are available to us and you can incorporate them into your daily life to start improving both mind and body. So what are some of them?

Common Healthy Foods To Eat

  • Oatmeal
  • Eggs
  • Salmon
  • Avocados
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Coffee

It would be almost impossible to list every single healthy food on the planet, but knowing a few is key. These are well-recognized foods that most professionals agree can sustain or improve our health. It makes sense to explain the first meal of the day first, breakfast. Kicking your day off with a bowl of oatmeal is a great way to start the day. As a slow digesting food, it can keep you full for hours and has been found to reduce cholesterol levels and aid in good heart health.

Eggs are another food we typically think about for breakfast, but they are an all-around food that provide numerous benefits. A single egg has around six grams of quality protein along with essential amino acids our bodies need. Although eggs do have fat and some cholesterol, they can still be part of a diet in moderation.

Salmon is a healthy food that has a full nutritional profile, including high protein and a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. If you enjoy eating fish, this food can be included for any meal, but usually for lunch or dinner. These fatty acids aid in optimal brain health. As we age, our brains play an even more vital role in our daily functioning.

As the green fruit that certainly has a reputation as a superfood, including avocados in the diet is an excellent choice. Not only is it packed with vitamins and minerals, but an avocado contains a substantial amount of healthy fats that have been shown to help lower both triglyceride levels and total cholesterol. Just like the egg, an avocado is another versatile food that you can become creative with.

The sweet potato might just reign king in the complex carbohydrate world. Many athletes choose this food after an intense workout to help boost depleted glycogen levels. It has a considerable amount of vitamins, especially vitamin A. For those who have diabetes, this food helps regulate blood sugar levels.

Being healthy is not just about what we eat, but also what we drink. As a beverage that can help burn fat and improve mental focus, coffee helps give us an edge. Some concerns have been associated with consumption of coffee, which will be discussed later.

What Are Some Common Questions About These Foods?

Q: What Should I look For When I Purchase Oatmeal?

A: Oatmeal is best in the natural state, so be careful to look at the label to see if it contains any added sugars. Instead, consider adding your own natural sweetener, such as raw honey or sliced bananas.

Q: Are Steel Cut Oats Better Than Rolled Oats?

A: Other than a longer cooking time, steel cut oats provide the same nutritional value as rolled oats, including fiber content and vitamins.

Q: Do Eggs Raise Cholesterol Levels?

A: Eggs have been somewhat controversial over the years because of the cholesterol contained in the yolks. As a food eaten in moderation, studies have shown that eggs do not raise a person’s cholesterol level.

Q: Can You Eat Salmon When You Are Pregnant?

A: Eating fish during pregnancy has often been connected with a negative connotation. As mentioned earlier, the high amount of omega-3 fatty acids in salmon can nourish our brains. Especially for breastfeeding mothers, salmon is a good dietary choice for a baby's brain development.

Q: Should You Be Concerned With The High Fat Content Of Avocado?

A: It is a myth to believe that fat is bad for our diets. The healthy fats contained in avocado helps take in all the needed nutrients we eat from foods. While it is true that certain types of fat, such as trans-fat, is bad for your health, implementing good fats in the diet is essential. Another benefit of an avocado is the high level of potassium, so it is a good food to eat after a workout.

Q: Why Is A Sweet Potato A Popular Choice For Athletes?

A: Many athletes opt for this food for recovery after training. As a food that is easily digested, it helps replenish low glycogen levels and is good for rebuilding muscle.

Q: What Are The Health Benefits Of Coffee?

A: Coffee can get a bad reputation, but it provides several health benefits as long as you don't add extra added sugar and sweeteners. It can be a great aid to anyone looking to shed extra pounds. As a stimulant, it can give you an extra boost for a workout. You may not realize that coffee also contains an abundance of nutrients beneficial for the body.

Including some of the listed foods into your diet can improve your health. If you haven't really given these foods a chance, consider giving them a try for improved wellness.

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