Welcome to ClinicalSeek

ClinicalSeek was created with the idea in mind that a community is stronger than an individual and a community is better when it collaboratively shares knowledge.

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Featured Articles

What Are Allergies?

It may sound odd, but allergies is essentially your body making a mistake. Allergies are your body incorrectly identifying something in your body and deciding it is not harmless, but a severe danger.

Your Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of great joy and happiness. This is when couples everywhere celebrate the creation of new life. It is also when they start counting down the days to the birth.

Frequently Asked Questions

Gained weight and feel down

Lately I am feeling older than I truly am. I am 54 years old, but I am so tired and depressed all the time. I have also gained over 20 pounds in the last year, so now I feel even worse. Will losing the weight fix my other symptoms? I want to feel like myself again. Please help me!

Vegan lifestyle advice

My husband wants to try a vegan diet but I am hesitant. We eat a fair bit of meat currently and cheese is my favorite food! However, he is really passionate about it and wants me to try too. Has anyone else transitioned into a vegan diet? I would love to hear some tips. Also how can I make sure I get enough protein without animal products?

Getting my wisdom teeth removed

I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow and have no idea what to expect. Is it painful? I have the next 4 days off work and I hope that's enough time to recover, but I'm worried it won't be. Also what are some good, soft foods to eat for the next few days? I hate jello so don't suggest that please.