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ClinicalSeek was created with the idea in mind that a community is stronger than an individual and a community is better when it collaboratively shares knowledge.

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Gained weight and feel down

Lately I am feeling older than I truly am. I am 54 years old, but I am so tired and depressed all the time. I have also gained over 20 pounds in the last year, so now I feel even worse. Will losing the weight fix my other symptoms? I want to feel like myself again. Please help me!

Vegan lifestyle advice

My husband wants to try a vegan diet but I am hesitant. We eat a fair bit of meat currently and cheese is my favorite food! However, he is really passionate about it and wants me to try too. Has anyone else transitioned into a vegan diet? I would love to hear some tips. Also how can I make sure I get enough protein without animal products?

Getting my wisdom teeth removed

I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow and have no idea what to expect. Is it painful? I have the next 4 days off work and I hope that's enough time to recover, but I'm worried it won't be. Also what are some good, soft foods to eat for the next few days? I hate jello so don't suggest that please.