Community Questions - Physical Ailments

Peanut allergy advice

It turns out my grandson is severly allergic to peanuts. He is anaphylactic. So contact could lead to death. He comes over to visit once a week and his grandpa and I love peanut butter. Should we stop eating it entirely or just when he is here? We love him dearly and do not want to cause any issues. Thank you.

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Dark under-eye bags

I'm 52 years old and lately I have really noticed how strong the bags under my eyes are. My under eye area is very dark and it makes me look tired and old. How can I minimize the look of these under eye bags naturally?

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It's time for me to stop

I've been smoking a pack a day for the last 9 years. I've never tried quitting before, but my new girlfriend hates the smell of cigarettes. I want to quit for her, but know it's good for my health too. Should I try the patch? What's the best way for me to quit cold turkey ASAP?

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