Back pain is easily experienced by most people and it usually fades away after a few weeks. The most common pain in the back is lower back pain which is also known as lumbago. Although it affects any spinal area, it occurs mostly in the area between the hips.

Back pain is not caused by anything serious, that is why most people get better as time progresses. On the flip side, people who experience a lot of back pain usually end up missing going to work. Unfortunately, back pain is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide. It is possible for most people to experience back pain at least once in their life.

Fortunately, there are measures that can help to prevent or relieve most of the back pain people experience. If prevention is not successful, then, simple home remedies and good body mechanics can help to heal the back, so that it can function properly for the long haul. It is rare for surgery to be mentioned as one of the treatments for back pain.

Types of Back Pain

Chronic neck pain

This type of pain often hampers the daily tasks in one’s life. It is characterized by pain in the neck and a tingling sensation in the arms, alongside the inability to shift the head sideways. This tingling sensation can potentially occur in the lower back, which eventually causes back pain that can get to the upper parts of the legs. As days pass by, these symptoms can worsen with movements like bending, lifting, reaching and twisting.

Potential cause: degenerative disc disease

Aging can cause disc degeneration. This condition is caused by changes in the spine as years go by. This means that it does not necessarily affect older people, it can also affect a young person. Degenerative disc disease is one major cause of middle-age back pain which also affects the older generation.

How to treat degenerative disc disease:

You can start by getting medications, going for therapy and changing lifestyle. If these changes are not enough, then a minimally-invasive procedure known as a cervical artificial disc replacement is done. In this procedure, a small 1 cm incision is done on the neck’s back to replace the degenerated disc with a new one for the normal motions to be achievable.

Back pain that spreads to legs

This type of pain starts from the back worsening as it gets to the legs. The pain extends from the buttocks to the leg’s back. People who are affected by this condition have a rough time standing up and they tend to feel much better when they are walking or lying down.

Potential cause: sciatica

Sciatica is also known as sciatic nerve pain. It is one of the conditions that can be caused by a herniated disc. This is a damaged disc that applies pressure to the sciatic nerve to the point that turns out to be a chronic condition. Patients usually confuse sciatica with leg issues.

How to treat sciatica

Just the way disc degeneration occurs, endoscopic discectomy is used for sciatica to remove a portion of the herniated disc that causes the sciatic nerve pain.

Extreme lower-back pain

Over time, the pain gets worse, especially when one is standing for a long time. To alleviate the pain, the patient usually bends forward. Another symptom that people should look out for is the tightness that is found in the upper legs and buttocks that is always present no matter what happens.

Potential cause: spinal stenosis

Spinal stenosis can be referred to as how the spinal canal narrows at the spinal base, resulting in a lot of pain. The main cause of this is aging, but genetics, like inheriting the disorder, or being born with an already narrow canal are the common cases. Additionally, poor posture like slouching can lead to stenosis.

How to treat spinal stenosis

Physical therapy and medications are the first treatments that doctors will prescribe before turning to an outpatient procedure which is referred to as laminoforaminotomy. In this procedure, small incisions that are approximately two centimeters are made. This is a technique that is unique to orthopedic and NJ spine to allow patients to have a quick recovery that spurns a few days.

A radiating pain that is on the neck, the back and finally the limbs

A dull pain that is localized is experienced down the back affecting the arms or the legs depending on where the pain starts from, either the lower or upper back. The common symptom that follows is the lack of mobility that makes someone to have very minimal ranges of motion. Other symptoms include numbness, muscle weakness, and a tingling feeling.

Potential causes: slipped disc

A slipped disc is also known as spondylolisthesis, and it is an extremely painful back experience that affects the spine. It happens when the position of the vertebra is compromised, as it slips and moves the bone that is below it, applying pressure on the spine. Although a slipped disc occurs mostly in the neck, it can also occur in the spine.

How to treat a slipped disc

There are two stages of treatment that depend on the severity of the disc slippage. The first one is decompressive laminectomy and the second one is spinal fusion.

Frequently Asked Questions About Back Pain

Q: What should I do if I experience a severe backache?

A: follow the steps below if you have an abrupt backache. When you have muscle spasms or severe back pain, then short bed rests are recommended. Secondly, apply ice directly to the lower back area where the pain is to decrease any inflammation. Thirdly, engage in exercises to increase mobility and to stimulate endorphin production that is a natural painkiller.

Q: What symptoms of a backache require immediate attention by the doctor?

A:: If you notice the symptoms below, visit the doctor immediately:

  • Back pain that is followed by chest pain
  • The inability to move a body part
  • Extreme back pain that is followed by tingling, weakness or numbness in the legs or arms.
  • Difficulty in urine control
  • The loss in controlling bowel movement
  • A backache and a fever

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