bad to eat expired guacomole?

M. Horton

So the other day I had a group of friends over for dinner, and I prepared a guacamole based dip as an appetizer for all of us while we chatted. But once dinner began, the guacomole got left out while we eat. After that it had gotten so late that I'd completely forgotten about the left over guacomole sitting out, and I just went to bed. The guacomole was also just about to reach it's expiry, which is why I was using it up, but my child apparently got up before me and ate it in the morning. I'm afraid that he could get sick from it. How bad is it to eat guacomole left out? Should I take him to the doctor?

Answers ( 1 )

  1. Karen Peters

    You’re lucky it didn’t have any meat or dairy in it, which are culprits for making people very sick if not kept refrigerated and fresh. My gut feeling is that your child will be fine, but keep a close eye on him/her. Any signs of sickness may be worth a doctor’s visit.