I think I have insomnia

Jake V.

I'm 27 years old and my sleep schedule is absolutely awful. I'm lucky to get 4 hours of sleep every night, but that's rare. I usually don't fall asleep until past 4am no matter what I try. I have never been a strong sleeper, but the last year or so has been unbearable and having a huge negative effect on my mood. How can I start sleeping (and being a functioning human) again?

Answers ( 1 )

  1. Georgia Wilson

    Insomnia is actually farely common. I've also struggled with it, even used some medications for a while that work pretty well. Talk to your doctor if it's really bothersome, but also practice good habits. Consistent sleep and wake times, dont drink caffeinated drinks before bed, only go to bed when you are tired. Reading before bed also helped me for a while!