really bad memory problems?

Carrie W.

I am a 68 year old women, retired and living at home. I spend most days playing sudoku, going for walks, knitting. I would say I am a generally healthy person. But lately, I've found it harder and harder to recollect. I'd made plans to have dinner with my daughter and son in law, but when they'd shown up I'd completely forgotten making the plans. I also can't recall where I leave things, I'll walk into a room and not remember why I'd gone there. I always thought I had a strong mind before, and I know with age it gets worse, but I just feel like it's gotten increasingly bad. I don't have a family history of dementia, but I'm afraid that I might be developing it. Is this normal, or should I seek a doctor?

Answers ( 1 )

  1. Donna B.

    It sounds like you have some symptoms of dementia so I would for sure seek medical advice. The good thing is that you’re noticing it fairly young and you can maybe work to reverse it. I’ve heard that playing brain games and reading can help. Try more Sudoku- like games and other activities to work your brain and see how that goes.