is birth control making me sad?

Rachel Van Hotten

So I've been taking birth control for about a year now, and I've never been the happiest person around, but now it feels it's taken a turn for the worse. I always had a bit of anxiety, but never really too bad. Around the time I started birth control, I started to get annoyed at minor things, go from happy to angry very quickly, and just in general feel a bit down. Everyone tells me it's probably not the birth control, probably just something seasonal or something else, but I'm not sure. I'm taking birth control to prevent preganancy, and I'm scared to go off of it as well, but I'm more scared it could be causing my mental health issues. Has anyone experienced this, or know if this could be the case?

Answers ( 1 )

  1. Dylan R.

    I think my ex-girlfriend had the same problem. Whenever she was short with me or irrationally upset, she would always blame it on her birth control. I do think it’s a legit thing though and you should get off the pill. You should see if your doctor can recommend another solution for preventing pregnancy like maybe an IUD.