Young daughter may have eating disorder

Susan H.

I am very concerned that my daughter has an eating disorder. She is 14 years old and it is a nightmare to get her to eat the same dinner as us. She will never finish her plate, even when I make her favorite homemade lasagna. This has been a problem since she started high school and I am worried that she is facing a lot of peer pressure and body image problems. When I talk to her about it, she gets upset and tells me to leave her alone. She looks much thinner but I don't know how much weight she has actually lost. She doesn't look unhealthy yet, but I am worried this will happen soon. How do I get her to talk to me? I just want to help her and this is hurting me so much.

Answers ( 1 )

  1. Janet F.

    That's a tough situation and I'm sorry to hear it. Perhaps make a doctors appoinment where she can speak to a professional. This is a very serious issue and needs to be adressed right away, and you may not be able to reach through to her on your own. Perhaps speak to her friends mothers, see if anyone might know the situation at school, make sure there are people looking out for her and if it continues, seek serious medical help. Hope you and your daughter the best.