Gained weight and feel down

Wendy B.

Lately I am feeling older than I truly am. I am 54 years old, but I am so tired and depressed all the time. I have also gained over 20 pounds in the last year, so now I feel even worse. Will losing the weight fix my other symptoms? I want to feel like myself again. Please help me!

Answers ( 1 )

  1. Adrianne Y.

    Hi Wendy! Sorry to hear you're feeling down. The important thing is to remember your weight should not determinte your happiness, and you should value yourself no matter what the scale says. Staying healthy and active will not only improve your energy and mood, but will also help you lose some weight. Remember that weight loss won't fix these symptoms, you have to find that within yourself to accept who you are. So creating a regular routine and sticking to it will help with all that, but don't get demoralized if you aren't immediately getting results, both in weight and in mood. It's an upward battle, but I'm rooting for you! Best of Luck!