Arthritis: What Can You Do?

The best description of arthritis is that it is not just a single disease, it is a combination of joint diseases and joint pain. There are several types of arthritis and related ailments and it is the leading cause of disability in the US. It affects people of all ages, race and gender. Over 300 children and 50 million adults have different types of arthritis, but it is more common in the elderly and in particular, women.

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What Types of Cancer Are Out There?

Medically speaking, cancer is a name that can apply to several types of diseases. There can be many different symptoms and treatment for the various cancers. Some cancers may rapidly harm a person while others may remain undetected for years. The one thing that all of these different cancers have in common is that they happen when some cells in the body start to divide rapidly, spreading throughout the body.

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What Are Allergies?

It may sound odd, but allergies is essentially your body making a mistake. Allergies are your body incorrectly identifying something in your body and deciding it is not harmless, but a severe danger. Then the body reacts in ways to alert you to it despite it actually being mundane. Allergies can affect people in minor and severe ways. There are legions of people who take allergy medication every fall to deal with the contaminants in the air.

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